
Japanese beetles cause many problems for humans through out the year.  The grubs are a big problem in the fall because they are feeding on the roots of plant; mostly it is on grass but the also feed on the roots of corn, strawberries, beans, and tomatoes (State of Oregon, 2011).  Not only does this kill the grass but it is often followed by larger like predators, like skunks, raccoons, and birds, digging at the grass to get at the grubs.  Because Japanese beetles need moist soil, golf courses and other often watered grasses are favorite places for eggs to be laid and for grubs to grow (Lyons-Johnson, 1996).  

Adult Japanese beetle also cause a lot of damage.  They love to eat some flowers, fruit, and the soft parts of a leaf, leaving just the veins and the stem.  There are over 300 different plats in 79 families that the beetle will eat.  Some of their favorite plants to nibble on are grape, apple, cherry, raspberry, rose, and corn.  When eating corn the beetles really like the silk that is necessary for the formation of kernels (State of California, 2011).  This can seriously harm a corn crop.